Personal Empowerment How You Need it
Personal Coaching
Personal Coaching is a great option for everyone, no matter whether you’re working with a Life Coach for the first time or are a seasoned veteran. I understand that each individual that walks through my door has unique circumstances and needs, both in terms of their coaching and finances. That's why I make my Personal Coaching package as flexible as possible. I give my clients the valuable guidance and support they need at rates they are comfortable with paying. Schedule a session today and achieve next level results.
Youth and Adult session available
Life Skills, independent living skills
Relationship Management
Relationship Management is one of the most popular and successful coaching packages I provide. Your sessions can be one on one or include your significant other(s), family member(s) or whomever else you would like to improve your relationship with!
Relationship Management sessions are helpful for anyone at any stage in any type of relationship and are specifically tailored to the needs of your relationships. Get in touch for more information and to book your spot in the program today.
Partnerships, couples, parent/adult child, co-parenting disputes, divorced spouses, siblings
Parent Coaching
If only there was a Parenting Manual!
Parent to be? New Parent? Co-Parenting? Parenting Teens?
I offer a variety of parent coaching services that will nurture your spirit, help you overcome parenting challenges, and allow you to achieve your individual and family goals, all without wanting to rip out your hair! Enjoy parenting again!
I cater to each of my client’s personal needs in order to unlock their full potential. Contact me to start your proactive journey today.
** Great Baby Shower Gift for an expecting parent! Ask for Package Deal!
Trauma Parent/Family Coaching
Trauma Parent Coaching with Nobody Gets Left Behind LLC is unlike any other coaching program out there. This program is specifically focused for parents who have children with traumatic life experiences that have led to behaviors that are difficult to manage, irresponsible or unsafe.
**This program may be specifically helpful to adoptive parents and foster parents but can be tailored to work with any family with trauma.
**Ask about group rates for parents and children by age group
Group Coaching
Have an area you and some friends would all like to learn about together?
Want to meet other folks in your same situation?
Group Coaching sessions are a great way to grow together!!
The below are just a few groups that can be offered
Groups can be for: New parents, special needs parents, co- parenting after divorce, learning new skills etc.
Polyamorous Adults Group
Great for folks new to poly and veteran poly folks. Learn common pitfalls, secrets to success and ways to work through jealousy, NRE and more!
Moms Group
For moms of all kind! Tips & Tricks, Discipline strategies that work and how to maintain your self while being a mom.
Dads Group
A single dad favorite! Navigating the world of parenting while maintaining yourself
Sex Education-Teens
Sex is never an easy conversation. I ensure young people have the knowledge to make safe choices for themselves
Mental Health-Teens
Mental Health concerns are on the rise all over the world. Young people will learn how to manage their mental health cope with their mental health concerns.
Teen Parents Group
Being a parent is hard. Being a teen parent is even tougher. This group is for expectant teen parents as well as current teen parents at any stage in their parenting journey.
Youth in Foster Care
Open to young people who are experiencing the dependency system, foster care or any out of home placement. Youth will learn how to navigate the system and ensure their success.
Please Note:
All groups must have a minimum of 4 participants
Groups over 6 who book together receive 25% discount on all registrations
Specific Session will be available to book after consult session is completed.
Other Services Offered

Supervised Visitation
The time frame of this service is based upon the court ordered family time
This service may also be utilized in adoption/ divorce cases when supervision is required
This service can be provided at our office, or an agreed upon public setting

Coach Assisted Visitation
This service has a dual goal of facilitation of family time and building the parent’s protective factors and skill set.
This service provides parent coaching while with their children allowing the parent to learn the necessary skills and practice them at the same time.
The time frame of this service is based upon the court ordered family time
This service can be provided at our office, or an agreed upon public setting
This service is great for very young or first-time parents who lack basic parenting skills as well as parents who have had their children removed by DCF due to a lack of sufficient parenting skills or the ability to properly build relationships with their children.

Placement Disruption Minimization
This service is unlike any other program available in Brevard County. This program sends the coach into the placement to work with the caregiver and the youth at risk of disruption prior to the caregiver getting to the point of requesting a disruption.
This program aims to minimize placement disruptions by ensuring the caregiver has the support, understanding and skill set to provide a safe and long term placement for as long as the youth requires placement.
The multi-faceted approach of this program works with the caregiver in anticipation of placement as well as during the placement period as needed in order to
This program can be beneficial to foster parents, relative and non- relative caregivers, pre-adoptive and adoptive parents.